A bit of inspiration…to get you into action.

This is being written to inspire and encourage you...into practice.


Amongst many other reasons, it's for eudaimonia.

What a great word...it has all the vowels in it. It means helping others be happy. 

When one does that, it creates a lasting sense of happiness.

How do you help others be happy?


On behalf of all those people around you (family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, neighbours); thank you for meditating. 

You're without doubt, better, happier, more stable...right? Right!

So the practice continues. This endless chasm of reps.

Group, lead/facilitated practices are a terrific guide. They offer various techniques and styles; showing or teaching you (through your own experience); what to do and how. 

Yet, it's when you're solo or with others, that the practice continues.

Minimum Effective Dose.

If you're not sitting in stillness and silence for at least 10 minutes, three times a week...ask yourself why? 

Have a listen to all the reasons you're conjuring up in your brain.

It's interesting to observe.

Here's a sequence to consider:

       You are not your thoughts. You have thoughts.

       You are not your emotions. You have emotions.

       You are not your body. You have a body.

So what are you (or is this experience) then?

As an explorer of the mind, I'm curious to hear your responses.

To find out how workplace meditation can enhance your culture and bottom line, get in touch.


Another day…of repetitive tasks.


Incorporating brain breaks into your day.