Side effects of meditation.

Let's start with the basics.

Meditation is essentially mental training in Attention + Attitude.

We train it in 3 stages:

1. Concentration - to master the mind.
2. Awareness - to fall awake to life as it happens.
3. Equanimity - a balanced approach to life's ups and down.

Learning by doing.

The fruits of your work in meditation comes with time and through practice.

Often, it's when you least expect it, like when crisis hits - you remain more stable and are more useful to those around you.

Remember, 10 minutes, three times a week; is the minimum effective dose.

Most people say: "Is that it?" 

Yet, it proves to be the hardest thing to do, regularly.

Side effects of practice.

Meditation has only benefits to offer.

If you know of any negatives, please reply and let's share these, far and wide.

Yet, one of the most common side effects is:

"More frequent attacks....of smiling!"

So if feeling and looking good isn't for you; at least you've been warned ;) 

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Video: Falling awake to life…as it happens.


Video: A mental shift from being busy.