Thinking you know -vs- knowing.

It's officially summer today...can you feel it? Not if you're in Melbourne, Australia.

Rest assured, this will also change ;)

There are less than 4 weeks until Xmas - yes, it's here...again - lucky us!!

Your attitude towards it makes all the difference.

A consistent theme around this time of year is "Where did that year go?".

The simple answer is: A big proportion of it was spent: ruminating (about the past) or projecting (into the future).

Does that sound familiar?

Relax. It's ok...we're all guilty, to some extent.

Just remember, the more present you are (not lost in thought), the more you will fall awake to the it's happening - moment by moment. 

Then, you'll know more of where the year went.

Workplace meditation trains concentration first. Without it, the awareness is sporadic.

Thinking you know -vs- knowing

There have been 100's of people who have said they know meditation is good. 

Often, my response is - "How do you know?".

And the broad range of answers are interesting(!) to hear. 

Yet, the only way to know, is not by thinking. It's only through the next stage, the doing. It's this endless chasm of reps, that's not always sexy.

Yet little by little, you start to notice the changes.

After a while, they become really obvious not only to you, others notice too.

Make best use of your precious time. 


Where is your ATTENTION + What is your ATTITUDE?


A brain break station…at work?