Where is your ATTENTION + What is your ATTITUDE?

The universality of these skills, this framework; is fantastic.

After all, the essence of the techniques are:

1. Mastery of the mind - concentration.

2. Awareness - mindfulness.

3. Wisdom - through equanimity.

And who can argue with that? 

Actually, lawyers can...it's their job - I've experienced it during a session ;)

The penultimate session for 2023.

Festive season has arrived.

For many it's wind down...yet others are frantic (getting it all done ahead of the Xmas break).

Whatever your circumstance, remember this:

You're in the drivers seat. 

It's up to you.

Do today, what your future self; will thank you for.

Be stable, focused, relaxed and alert. It'll serve you; and all those who you come into contact with. 

Meditation is not just a means to an end.

It is both: the means, and the end.

To join in weekly meditation classes (live group practice sessions) on Zoom, click here.


The City Of Melbourne - Lord Mayor Award


Thinking you know -vs- knowing.