Stuff motivation - Establish your ‘why’ instead.

Stuff motivation.

It waxes and wanes.

At the beginning, it's all exciting - "yes, I'm going to do this!" And you start.

After a little while, one day, you're tired. "I'll do it tomorrow". And often, tomorrow never comes.

Consider new years resolutions like..."I'm going to get fit this year". All motivated on January 1st, yet what's it like in February or March? Hmmm.

Working with intention.

Your volition is key to success; in any venture. It is the underlying reason 'why' you do something.  

For example...if you can't sleep or are over-stimulated and frazzled all the time; your health and performance will deteriorate. Your intention to do something about it is much stronger than being motivated. 

Why? Because whether you feel like it or not, motivated or not; you'll do the minimum effective dose, to take help you take a step closer to your goal i.e. to improve sleep. In other words, making 1% improvements. Progress.

You may not notice the difference as you go.

Yet when you look back (after days, weeks or years); the changes become completely obvious. 

So start small, with whatever it is that you'd like to work on. But start.

1% better every day, adds up.

Your fundamental; and paramount to your achievement.

Learn to develop the ‘why’ with workplace meditation. Once established, it’ll become an essential part of operations. A new way of working.


A brain break station…at work?


The ‘Flow’ state…and using corporate meditation to tap into it.