Knowing vs Thinking

Knowing (versus thinking you know).

Thinking means a belief that makes sense. If you have no reasoning behind it, than it is an opinion. Knowing something is when you are certain it is true. When something is known, there is no doubt.

When you truly know that you are breathing, it is vastly different from rationalising or intellectualising about it. 

It's an important distinction. 

eg. "I know that if I exercised each day, I'd feel better".

Until you do it, you actually don't know that, you just think it.

Knowing comes from a 'sense' of experience. Regarding the breath, you must feel it to know you are breathing. It's sensing (not thinking) it.

And there is a big difference.

One is active, the other passive. One is rejuvenative, present focused and stores energy; whilst the other focuses on the past/future and drains energy. 

Any guesses which is which? I recommend you 'come to your senses' when answering that question 😊.

Instant insight

With one breath (yes one!), you get an instant insight into your current state.

It is an instant connection to yourself, and how you are amongst all the ups and downs of life.

Because when you throw in the busyness, pressures and overstimulation, it's a key moment to intercept and of course correct.

Otherwise, you're heading towards the current greatest HR concerns: brain fog, exhaustion, sleep, deprivation, and burnout.

Corporate meditation teaches you attention + attitude strategies designed to make incremental improvements over time.

It's up to you. 

To stay grounded in the present (the only time), keep 25% of your awareness on the fact that you are breathing. Feel the belly rub the clothes or the air entering & exiting your body. 

Just like you're aware of the light and temperature of the room.

You know, without thinking about it. 

PS. Do you know that meditation is the worlds #1 stress buster? 


Relaxed & Alert - and the thin line in between.


Any time. Anywhere. The best time to meditate.