A brain break station…at work?
Last week, Mr Meditate participated in a large conference full of HR and L&D professionals in Sydney. Maybe from your organisation was represented too.
Workplaces are much more open to this training, recognising it as skills training too. How wonderful...and about time ;)
HR + L&D TechFest
We set up a 'Brain Breaks' station.
Over 200 of the delegates popped in for a 3, 5 or 7min Brain Break.
Why? Because our brains cannot handle this constant onslaught of information...and need a rest.
The more information you pump into your brain, the more it has to process.
Here's a little snippet:
Mental skills in Attention + Attitude
Designed for workplace mental health, performance & insight.
It's experiential learning of a framework for immediate application; and continuity of a practice for constant improvement.
The L&D training focuses on performance; while HR (more broadly) on wellbeing.
Clients engage in 3 stages:
1. INTRODUCTION - Themed workshops, offsite & event presentations, campaigns or practice series
2. PROPER TRIAL - Habit creation programs, leadership training, on-going sessions
3. CULTURE TRANSFORMATION - L&D operations, mandatory induction training, instructor training, future proofing
Our goal: To become redundant.
It is to help your organisation be self-sufficient with this framework, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and friendly cooperation.
Mr Meditate has facilitated over 3,000 sessions to 70,000 participants...and counting.
Let's co-create a way to enhance your culture and bottom line.
Reach out, connect...and let's explore what's possible.