Thank you #NAB for being our largest (and favourite) client.

What’s available?

Whether it’s a team day, employee training or group experience at your event; we’ve got you covered.

Weekly 30min ‘Brain Breaks’ @ 395B, 700B & online

Give your brain a well deserved break!

Become more stable, focused & relaxed.

Context (5mins) + Practice (20mins) + Tips (5mins)

Come dressed as you are, no lycra necessary ;-)

Sleep well. Feel great. Perform better.

‘Drop-in’ or book and walk out feeling 1%+ better. Every time.

Pricing: casual $12, 5 sessions $55, 10 sessions $100, 20 sessions $180, yearly $350.
To save on merchant fees, bank transfer to Bsb: 083-163 Acc: 8448 94294 Ref: Your name

What NAB staff say…

“Work introduced me to meditation. It doesn’t seem like the obvious referral path but I feel fortunate to work somewhere that has given me a skill to reset my thoughts and overcome difficulties.”

Associate Director, NAB

“I have noticed that I am more productive during my day and have a good sense of perspective when unexpected obstacles pop up. Most importantly, I am enjoying the experience and looking forward to continuing”

Impact Investment Consultant, NAB

“When the whirlwind of work captures me, the last thing I think I have time for is meditation. It provides the reset that I need to smooth my day and my thinking, to stop reacting and start pro-acting.”

Senior Analyst, NAB

Team Laughter Sessions.

Explore the power of laughter; and experience its ability to unite - ha ha ha, ho, ho ho, hi hi hi…
For a dose of life’s best medicine, call us into your office, event or online.

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Live sessions.

In-person & online ‘live’ experiential learning in the work environment; for skill integration into the work day.

Yet to find what you’re looking for?

Rather than bamboozle you with all we can do, tell us what you want.

Get in touch