Any time. Anywhere. The best time to meditate.
*** Do keep your eyes open if meditating while driving 😊 ***
After facilitating 1000’s of workshops, a common question keeps coming:
When is the best time to meditate?
Let’s preface the answer with the following.
Meditation works best when you:
1. Want to do it.
2. Design it to suit you.
3. Have regularity.
Mornings: A great time. I start my day every day with time in silence and stillness. It better prepares me for the ups and downs ahead in the day.
Lunchtimes - A terrific opportunity to take a brain break, meditating at least 10 minutes so you can maintain the minimum effective dose (10mins x 3p/w).
After work - Many executives meditate in their car (calling it their private capsule) before heading to families, etc. A wonderful way to decompress.
Before bed - Unless you are using meditation to fall asleep, which naturally I highly recommend, meditate in a seated posture. That way you have a better chance of being relaxed, and alert. You'll go to sleep more calm & tranquil, waking more invigorated and refreshed, to better accomplish the tasks ahead.
Anywhere. Any time.
One of the best things about this practice (and there are so many best things), is you can do it anywhere, any time. No equipment, special tools or even 'lycra' is needed.
Even in board meetings, though, do keep your eyes open as so your bosses like you. On the escalator, in the elevator, at the coffee line, at the traffic lights, at your desk...I think you know what I mean. Anywhere. Any time.
10 minutes, three times a week… Is the minimum effective dose. Maintain the benefits.
The continuity of practice, is the secret to success.
Happy sitting 🪑
PS. Note: Nothing can serve you more; no amount of money, possessions, promotions, or servants; can serve you more; than your own balanced and purified mind!
PPS. For corporate meditation ideas for your workplace, reach out.