The City Of Melbourne - Lord Mayor Award
Last week, I was interviewed by the City Of Melbourne’s Lord Mayor Sally Capp's speech writer. This well written article may offer you some insights into your experience.
Read the article here.
The sub-theme for this years weekly drop-in sessions has been 'letting go'.
Has your ability improved in 'letting stuff go' this year?
TIP: Let go, to let flow.
It starts with the breath.
Keep in mind the impermanence of every breath.
Each one arises; and passes away.
It's constantly changing.
Use it to 'arrive' (into your body, here and now); then release it (into the present moment).
And repeat. Over...and over again.
It'll help you to fall (and stay) awake to the life as it presents itself. Moment by moment.
Thank you for your support.
Your comments, participation and interest in this gem of a framework; is encouraging, inspiring and validating.
Here is a (big) part of the intention for this work:
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be liberated...out of the bondages of anger, hatred, animosity and ill will; And develop peace, real peace; love and goodwill, truth & harmony.
May all beings be happy!
With love. Merry Xmas 2023.