Another day…of repetitive tasks.
Corporate meditation enhances wellbeing and performance.
The best (and only way) to find out; is to give it a proper trial.
Have you ever considered how much of your day is filled with repetitive tasks?
Waking your phone.
Just like weight training, cycling or running; meditation is very repetitive.
Yet whilst you're engaging in the same methodology, each time you practice, it is different.
It happens in a different time; and you're in a different mindset.
Even from a moment ago.
There is constant change.
Moment by moment. Breath by breath.
Working with the understanding of impermanence, helps to develop equanimity.
And equanimity will help you deal with whatever circumstance you face.
How? By being composed and considered. Responsive versus reactive.
Instead of trying to make things happen (like quieting an unruly mind); cultivate the conditions and allow for the changes to manifest.
Just like with physical fitness, there are no shortcuts.
It's a long game. A practice, not a fad.
Meditation is mental skills training. It's an unravelling, revealing and useful thing to do.
The practice is simple...yet, not necessarily easy.
As you keep doing it (regularly), you develop...and the practice deepens.
Start small, but start...and see for yourself.