Design it to suit you.

1. Want to do it. 

In order to develop discipline, determination and grit (all necessary traits when it comes to meditation); you have to really want to do it. 

Let's face it, the initial motivation will wear off. You'll be challenged with distractions; and seemingly more important things to do eg. like Netflix - ha!

Why do you meditate (or intend to)? The only person who can answer that is you. How can training concentration, awareness and equanimity serve you?

Keep reminding yourself what draws you to this practice. 

Every step you take in that direction; is a success. It's one step closer. It is progress. And your progress is more important than perfection.

2. Design it to suit you.

Learn, explore and experiment.

Give all sorts of techniques, postures and teachers a go. 

Then do what works...for you.

And keep doing it consistently because...

The continuity of practice; is the secret to success.

Patiently and persistently, you are bound to be successful.

PS. If you would like to join a weekly group meditation session on Friday’s @ lunchtime (live on Zoom), click here.


These are the good old days.

