Incorporating brain breaks into your day.

Imagine your brain is like a snow globe.

When moving and active, the snowflakes are like thoughts. This thought, that thought...looping thoughts. 

If the snow globe is still, the snowflakes settle to the bottom (it's like serenity); and it creates space in the mind (for those 'aha' moments to occur.  

Brain Breaks.

They're 'super' important in keeping your brain healthy.

A big part of the mental health decline, is a fast mind...always on, overloaded with information, distracted...and too stimulated. Can you relate?

Your brain is responsible for everything you are today. 

It's the engine room to move - interact - experience and remember. 

It is wise to look after it.

Take 5mins (or 300 seconds).

Getting (or making) and drinking your coffee takes longer than 5 minutes.

A brain break involves giving your brain non-stimulated time. That's no phone, conversation or activity.

Allow your brain to go into neutral, to idle. Let it rest. Let it be bored.

It reduces the pre-frontal cortex stimulation; and allows the other regions of your brain to connect.

It'll allow the surface level thinking to subside; and give your brain a well deserved break. 

This is essential for learning and memory.

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The most important thing you do.