Brain breaks using corporate meditation.
The importance of 'brain breaks'
The brain is such a precious and important resource. It is responsible for your thoughts, feelings, happiness levels and of course, your work performance.
Yet, most people, spend more time looking after their appearance, their cars and curating their Insta reels ;) than they do their minds.
But you're different.
You’re reading this blog...ha!
It reminds you about the merits of taking 'quiet' or 'me' time; for overall functioning, performance and health.
Whether it helps to get your bum on the seat...well that's another thing.
An important one.
If it doesn't, consider this corporate meditation blog (regardless of its content) another piece of stimulation.
And there's too much of that already.
Spacious. Balanced. Relaxed.
Organise or drop into a group 'brain break.
Having others there with you, keeps you keep practicing.
It's not always easy. Take any encouragement you can get.
Start small, but start.
10 minutes, three times a week is all it takes.
To explore corporate meditation ideas reach out.