Consistently thinking about future outcomes?

Are you consistently thinking about the future and outcomes?

Stop it...because especially in this distracted world of technology, it is degrading your attention.

It's also depleting your energy, with over-activity about what's going to happen. 

Why change?

It's simple. For learning and memory. 

In meditation, the mind is being trained to be present. Here, in this moment. 

Not only does it help us to fall awake to life as it's happening, it keeps us engaged in what we are actually doing, now. 

Let me explain. 

Imagine you're in a meeting. Someone is speaking and there you are...thinking about lunch, your weekend or the upcoming holiday.

We've all be guilty of this...haven't we ;)

As a result though, you will remember a lot less of what happened in it. Recalling it later in the future becomes harder.

Why? Because your pre-frontal cortex (the executive function in your brain) can only process one thing at a time. 

So if you're off in fantasy about your holiday, guess what? You'll remember little of what's happening now. 

For your hippocampus (the brain region responsible for learning + memory) to work optimally, it needs to have attention on the task at hand. 

For long-term meditators, the ability for distant memory, increases. 

There is more presence, more they (you) go.

It's another wonderful reason to meditate: to remember more of your life! 

Mr Meditate trains mental skills in Attention + Attitude for workplaces. Enhance your culture and bottom line. Email for ideas.


A thought is just a thought.


These are the good old days.