Getting there? How corportate meditation helps.

Consider for a moment why you're reading this blog.

The question to ask is: will it encourage me to sit in practice? Or will it be more intellectual stimulation?

It's important to keep checking in to remind yourself of your intentions.

Intention trumps motivation.

As is the case, motivation waxes and wanes.

Having taught 60,000+ employees, I see so many relaxed and composed faces after each session. People (like you) walk out 1%+ better.

Every time!

"I feel better - all it takes is 10mins, 3 times per week, I'm going to do this."

And they start. 

Most likely it's on their own, using an APP.

And some people continue. Become regular and start improving. It's so awesome to see them develop and enhance their day-to-day lives. 

Yet most, fall off. They get busy or the Netflix series is so gripping, that meditation falls to the backburner. Sound familiar? 

Tantalisingly interesting.

This practice is simple, though not necessarily easy.

We need all the help we can get. 

It is a revealing, unravelling and useful thing to do.

As you become more familiar with the practice, you'll realise your inner world is tantaslisingly interesting. Way more than Netflix could ever be!


It takes time. It takes determination. It takes grit. 

It's an investment of your make the remaining time better.

Corporate meditation is essentially mental training in attention + attitude. 

Not only do you become more stable, focused & alert (and that is plenty); you develop more balance of your mind.

And no amount of money, possessions, promotions or servants; can serve you more, than your own balanced mind.

Getting there.

You didn't end up in your job overnight. You worked and trained to get there/here. 

Where do you want to get to? 

Design your life...and take the smallest possible step to get there.

And step by step, moment by'll get there.

The best way to predict the future is...

To create it.

It starts now.

From this moment, to the next.


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