How to let go…using workplace meditation.
Letting go can be challenging, especially when faced with a situation or person you don't like; or actually really like.
This is where craving and aversion come it.
When you let go, it's like a release of past rumination; or future projection.
Get into flow by using the breath. It's terrific for letting go. It can be used anywhere, anywhere.
Give it a go.
Receive the breath (for a count of 3), observe the pause (for 2)...and release it into the present moment (for 5 & thru the mouth - add a big sigh if you like).
Take 3 of these now.
It helps you to be where your body is. Here and now.
Nobody said it was easy.
Did they?
This pathway is unravelling and revealing; and a useful thing to do.
A common thing arises with the continuity of practice. It's the feeling that your mind isn't quieting down and there are upheavals instead. An unruly mind.
This is a sign that you're deepening in practice. There are often stored/ suppressed mental defilements bubbling underneath.
As the surface level thinking quietens, the deeper unresolved 'things' pop up.