Is it a priority…yet?

Are you prescient about your own future?

An important question to ask is: If you keep doing as you are doing…

How will you end up?

In recent times, burnout, exhaustion and brain fog are being highlighted as key issues in workplaces. It's really not surprising, as we can all relate: our brains can't cope with over-stimulation and the constant onslaught of information. 

Remember: your brain is like a muscle (use it and it will get stronger) but it needs breaks to connect its different regions to process information

Learning to detect distractions & releasing them.

In this world full of distractions, strategic attention is becoming a key skill when it comes to critical and deep thinking; plus the ability to stay focused on what you actually want to focus on. 

Let go, let flow.

In practice, it's about releasing/relinquishing control of the breath. Simply allowing it coming and going – and you observe.

It’s a reassuring practice - to learn how to watch and be engaged in breath without interfering.

To explore more for about workplace meditation in your office, reach out.


A skill that improves ALL other skills.


Like training a puppy to stay.