Join in a 'Brain Break' to reduce stimulation + thinking.

A busy mind finds it harder to innovate. 

Mental space is needed for relaxation and innovation.

Imagine a snowglobe that's moving or agitated. The snowflakes float through the water and it's beautiful. That's it's design.

Now imagine your brain as a snow globe, where the snowflakes are like thoughts. 

This thought, that thought. Looping thoughts. This incessant thinking can get exhausting. For example when wanting to fall asleep, the momentum of thinking keeps going and going. 

Practice makes progress. 

As with any skill, when you practice settling the mind, you become better at it.

The snowflakes (thoughts) settle. There is space in the mind for new ideas and innovation to come in. Those 'Aha' moments. 

Have you ever tried to stop the mind from thinking? It never works does it?

Brain Breaks are needed. 

In this digital age, our brains are over-stimulated and overloaded with information.

Simply put...the brain works better when rested. 

Embrace the stillness and witness your mind's brilliance restoring itself to clarity and wisdom.

To explore workplace meditation for performance and wellbeing; get in touch.


Put ‘extra’ into the ordinary.