Put ‘extra’ into the ordinary.

The craving for pleasure and aversion of pain.  

This game has been played for millennia. I've played it. Bet you have too. 

Yet the consistent outcome, every time, is misery. 

Why? Because there is a non-acceptance of your own reality; as it is.

If only. 

Another mental game is the 'if only' or 'when this'. Eg. If only my partner, boss, friend...would stop this or do that, then I'll be happy!

What if they don't stop?

What happens then? The good news is: it's up to you.

Unlike controlling the weather or those around you; you can control your attitude. And this determines your experience, at work, in life. 

Put 'extra' into your ordinary

We crave the good; and avoid the bad.

But what about the neutral things? Well, they tend to be ignored.

The breath is a classic example of this. In most cases, only when you're not getting enough breath, do you tune in on it.

Yet paying attention to the breath, has much merit. 

Awareness of breathing, helps you stay grounded in the present. To be where your body is. Even though it doesn't use words, the breath tells you so much. 

It is a gauge of your current state. Go on...pay attention to it and listen to what it's communicating about your current state. Bet it's accurate ;)

Focusing on the neutral things puts 'extra' into the ordinary.

To explore workplace meditation within your organisation, reach out - we’re here to support you in practice.


Join in a 'Brain Break' to reduce stimulation + thinking.


The progress…comes from practice.