The busier you are…the more you need it.
If you're constantly checking notifications, crossing things off your to-do list or needing constant stimulation, you probably need to slow down.
How often have you heard yourself lamenting, “there just aren’t enough hours in the day”, or “things have been so busy”?
Most of us find ourselves running from one task or place to the next, and then filling the gaps in between with distractions like scrolling through Instagram or watching Netflix.
The problem with this need to keep ourselves preoccupied at all times, is that it results in the opposite of ‘getting more done’ – being busy all the time makes the brain less efficient, less productive, and worsens overall performance.
It also leaves little room for reflection and a break from routine, which is what makes life more meaningful.
Good mental health is very important for healthy thoughts, emotions, and actions in daily life; and performance at work.
What are you doing ongoingly, as a practice, that maintains and improves your mental fitness and prevents ailments over time?
Mental health is deteriorating. It's due to fast, overstimulated minds. Being always on, overloaded with information and distracted; are common traits.
Raising awareness is a great thing. Doing something about it is another. That's where the work is. The GOOD can do something about it, and it becomes obvious over time.
Take some time for yourself...without stimulation.
It's unravelling and revealing. A useful to do.
Need ideas? Get in touch.