WorkSafe Health and Safety Month - how corporate meditation helps.

Mental health has become a priority in workplaces. A BIG one. 

It remains the highest (and growing) concern of doctors; and leaders. 

Simply put: "Our brains cannot handle the constant onslaught of information."

WorkSafe Health and Safety Month

We're facilitating a series of workshops to introduce skills to cope with the pressures, busyness and over-stimulation experienced by many.

To make more (and lasting) impact, finish off 2023 with a positive habit creation program. Cultivate mental skills in Attention + Attitude

The 8-week "FITNESS FOR THE MIND" programs start w/c Oct 16 and Oct 23.

Prevent, maintain and improve your (and your teams) mental health.

It's time to do something about it.

And not just on RUOK Day or Safety Month.

But ongoingly.

Enhance your culture and bottom line. 

We're here to support your team to be more stable, focused and better accomplish the tasks ahead.

Warm regards and be happy! 


How corporate meditation helps navigate busyness and pressure.


“Fitness For The Mind” - a workplace meditation program